Currently not hosting classes. We are sorry.
I really hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
We need something to refresh! W
e need some exercise to keep us healthy. Exercise is good for our mind too.
Even Online class, teachers will look at one by one and still give you corrections. You can access from anywhere if you have internet access. I hope to see you!
Hariyama Ballet Online Open Class Schedule
☀️Monday morning 10:00 am - 10:35 am : Toddler Ballet by Yui
🌙Wednesday evening NY time 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm : Pilates and Express Basic Ballet by Akiko
☀️Thursday morning NY time 10:00 am - 11:15 am : Pilates with Ballet Exercise by Akiko
☀️Friday morning NY time 9:00 am - 10:00 am : Basic Beginner Ballet by Mami
☀️Saturday afternoon 11:30 am - 12:30 pm : Beginner Tap by Yumi
Attendance and Payment method :
Email us for the latest night before the class and please complete payment.
Weblink for the class will be emailed when you emailed us to register and paid for class.
Email to :
Please choose payment
Venmo to
Paypal to
1800円/1クラス 800円/ポワント
お申し込みは前日まで。お申し込みお支払い後レッスンリンクをお送りいたします。 まで。
ペイパルで まで。
Teachers :
Mami Hariyama - Ballet and Pointe - Hariyama Ballet Director
Akiko Makino - Pilates and Ballet - Instructor at Pilates on Fifth and Hariyama Ballet
Yuka Kawasaki - Yoga and Ballet - Instructor at Body Tone Yoga New York RYT200, RYPT85 and Hariyama Ballet
Yumi Powell - Tap - Instructor at Hariyama Ballet
Yui Hasegawa - Toddler Ballet - Hariyama Ballet Kids, Junior Class Instructor, Dancer at Benjamin Ballet
Class Informations :
Log-In starts from 5 min before the class. Class will start on time but If you are late, that's ok. Just join us.
Muted : When we start class, we ask students to be sounds off so you can hear the instructor better.
Dress code : Ballet wear or something you can exercise. Bind hair up. No hair down.
Basic Ballet : We will do basic barre exercise and a little center work that we can still do at small spaces.
Toddler Ballet : Please attend child and adult together. Recommended for age 1 and up.
All Yoga : Prepare Yoga matt or towel and Block if you have.
Pilates : Prepare Yoga matt or towel.
Basic Pointe : You can take this class without Pointe shoes. It is to keep students strong and work on their feet.
Tap : Students do not have to wear Tap shoes in the house if it is difficult.
All Ballet Classes will need something to hold on to. like a stable chair, table or a wall as a Ballet Barre.
Logging-In 5分前から入室してください。クラスに遅れてしまった場合はそのままどうぞ参加してください。
Muted : クラスが始まったら生徒はサウンドをミュートにして頂きます。その方が指導者の声と音楽が良く聞こえます。
Dress code : バレエウエアや動きやすい服装で参加してください。
Basic Ballet :.バレエの基礎レッスンです。バーを持ったエクササイズと軽いバー無しのエクササイズをします。
Toddler Ballet : 幼児バレエは大人と共に参加してください。年齢は1歳頃からが対象です。
All Yoga : ヨガマット、または大きなタオル、ブロックをお持ちの方はブロックもご用意ください。
Pilates : ヨガマット、または大きなタオル等をご用意ください。
Basic Pointe : ポワントを履かなくても受講して頂けます。ポワントの基礎エクササイズを行います。
Tap : タップシューズを履かなくても受講して頂けます。運動靴等があれば代用してください。
All Ballet Classes will need something to hold on to. バレエクラスはバーの代わりになる安定した家具等を掴めるところで受講してください。
- クラスのリンクはメールでお申し込み頂きお支払い頂いた後、メールにてリンクをお送りします。
Cancelation :
If no one registered by night before, class might be canceled.
If you cancel taking class after you made a payment, you can use credit for the future class but no money back will be made.
Any questions :
If you have any questions about online open classes,
please email :
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.
Mami Hariyama
Hariyama Ballet
Take a class with your family together!!
No additional charge.
Stay happy and healthy!
