I really hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
We are continuing classes via Zoom and also
planning to open the studio from September 7th.
There will be ristliction and guidelines that students have to follow to come to the studio.
If you would be interested in either by Zoom classes or In-person classes,
we can send you information.
Contact : info@hariyamaballet.com
Thank you
Mami Hariyama
Class Policy and Informations
Registration : Everyone has to use a registration form and students who are not taking Unlimited must choose their classes upon registration.
Log In starts 5 min before the class. Class will start on time but If you are late, that's ok. Just join us. We are taking attendance during each class. Please type student name when entering Zoom.
Dress code : Ballet wear or something students can exercise. Bind hair up. No hair down.
No Filming : Parents can film their own child but please do not film teachers or other students.
All Ballet Classes will need something to hold on to. like a stable chair, table or a wall as a Ballet Barre.
Stretch class is for everyone! Prepare Yoga matt or towel.
Tap : Students do not have to wear Tap shoes in the house if it is difficult.
Kodo : is for all Hariyama Students.
Basic Pointe : Students can take this class without Pointe shoes. Recommended for students blue and up.
Rehearsals. It is for The Spring Performance which is postponed. To keep remembering so it will be easier when we come back to the studio. Please try to attend those rehearsals.
Acting : Acting is very important in dancing. We will practice expressing through the face and learn acting.
Classes are not only for Hariyama Ballet Students. Please invite your friends!!
Please read below.
“The risk of injury exists in any physical activity. Please consider this before enrolling your child. Hariyama Ballet cannot be held responsible for personal injury during online classes.” To prepare for classes, please move furniture or any items that might be dangerous for taking dance classes. Please keep little ones or pets where safe from dancing. If the floor is hard surfaces, students should use a mat like a Yoga mat to take class to prevent injury to their joints.
Registration : 登録フォームより登録をお願いします。無制限クラスではない生徒は登録時にどのクラスを受けるかを事前にお選びいただきます。
Log In. クラスの5分前からログインが開始します。ログイン時に生徒の名前を入れて下さい。クラスに遅れた場合は自分をミュートにしてそのまま参加してください。
Filming : クラス中にご自身のお子様を撮影することは問題ありあせんが指導者や他の生徒の撮影は控えて下さい。
Dress code : バレエウエアか身体のラインが見えやすく動きやすい服装で参加してください。長い髪の毛は結ってください。
All Ballet Classes will need something to hold on to. バレエクラスでは安定した椅子やテーブルをバーの代わりに使ってレッスンしてください。
Stretch class is for everyone! ストレッチは全員受けられます。ヨガマットかタオルを用意してください。.
Tap : 自宅でタップシューズが履けない場合は履かずに参加可能です。
Kodo : コドウは発表会に向けたリハーサルです。
Basic Pointe : ポワントを履かなくても受講可能です。ブルークラス以上推奨です。
Rehearsals: リハーサルは発表会の振り付けを維持するために続けます。スタジオに帰れた日からリハーサルが再会出来るように引き続きリハーサルを続けましょう。.
Acting :ダンサーは動きと共に音感もとても大事ですが、演技力もとても重要です。顔の表情や演技の練習に挑戦します。
Payment method : Please choose.
From Paypal account to Paypal account
Credit payment through Paypal (3% fee will apply)
Support Hariyama Ballet
If you could also support any amount donating for Hariyama Ballet, please use the payment method above as well Or please use this link to donate : https://paypal.me/pools/c/8nH672xgHo